Support our workers

Many residents in Renfrewshire and beyond, currently employed by British Airways, will feel aggrieved by the sharp practice of their employers, who proposing to sack 12,000 of them, throughout the UK, then re-engage them on poorer terms & conditions. With Glasgow airport on our doorstep, local constituents are dependent on companies like BA for their livelihoods and have served the company well for decades. To be treated in this manner is shameful.

The blatant exploitation of the Corona virus pandemic in order to reduce their workforce in this way, is nothing short of criminal.This is the view expressed  by the Westminster Transport select committee, a cross party committee made up of all political shades, including the current government members.

Renfrewshire Council Labour Group are, therefore, calling everyone with influence within our Party, including Richard Leonard and Kier Starmer, to work together in order to expose these unscrupulous tactics and ensure our opposition puts us on the side of worker. As a progressive Party, we must o alscommit to legislate against any future attempts by employers to treat their employees in such a cavalier fashion.


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